Źródło opisu
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Battino Rubin
Angart Leo
Gilbert Ian
Hodgson David
Hunter C Roy
Kessel Anthony
Martin Curly
McGill Ormond
Apps Judy
Beaulieu Danie
Burton John
Cowley Sue
Curran Andrew
Garnett Steve
Gilligan Stephen
Hall L Michael
Hudson Lynda
Hunter Marlene E
Linden Anne
Mahony Terry
Mattock Peter
Oakes Steve
Owen Nick
Pearson Judith E
Ryan Will
Tramontana Joseph
Waters Mick
Arnold Jackie
Baker Stephen
Barrable Alexia
Beadle Phil
Beere Jackie
Beever Sue
Bentley-Davies Caroline
Berman Michael
Best Brin
Birch David
Blackman-Sheppard Gabrielle
Bodenhamer Bob
Bodenhamer Bob G
Bolstad Richard
Bromley Matt
Burgess Fran
Burnett Garry
Bustin Richard
CBE Colin Diamond
Chapman Peter
Chatterley Graham
Chiles Michael
Clark Gemma
Cowart James
Cox Dawn
Crane James
Davies Stephanie
Di-Finizio Armando
Dix Ellie
Duckworth Julie
Dyson Chris
Elliott Samuel
Emmerson Gordon
Enser Mark
Enser Zoe
Ewin Dabney
Gafner George
Garvey Paul
Grace Janey Lee
Grigg Russell
Halligan Elaine
Hart Sarah
Hickman Dixie Elise
Houghton Anita
Howard Drew
Hughes Kamalagita
Hunt Emily
Hunter Roy
Jaap Hollander
Jackson Nina
Jacobson Sid
James Richard
James Tad
Kottler Jeffrey
Kuttner Leora
Lane Stephen
Lederer Debra
Leighton Roy
Lewis Byron
Lister Kevin
Llewellyn Bryn
Lowe Amanda
Lucas Bill
Mannion James
Mayhew Jon
McColl Duncan
McLaren Ian R
McLeod Angus
Miller Philip
Munby Steve
Overdurf John
Parkinson Lesley
Prior Manfred
Rok wydania
2020 - 2025
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
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163 wyniki Filtruj
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Leo Angart is a business consultant, author and trainer. Having worn glasses for more than 25 years he speaks from personal experience. It has now been more than 19 years since he threw away his glasses.
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Leo Angart runs workshops all over the world, helping people to regain their natural vision and throw away their glasses for good. He regularly encounters children whose eyesight is being adversely affected by their glasses or who don't really need glasses at all. In Magic Eyes: Vision Training for Children Leo shares his experience and explains what you can do to help transform your child's eyesight, eliminating the need for glasses. In Magic Eyes Leo Angart demystifies common eye conditions, explains the causes of these issues and suggests simple solutions you can try at home. These fun exercises can make children's eyes healthy and strong and eliminate the need for glasses. In fact with children it is actually quite easy to restore natural eyesight within a week or two. Magic Eyes also contains detailed explanations of, and exercises for: amblyopia (or lazy eye), anisometropia (when vision is different between the left and right eye), astigmatism (irregular shaping of the cornea), diplopia (double vision), hyperopia (far-sightedness), myopia (near-sightedness) and strabismus (turning in or out of the eye).
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Leo Angart is a business consultant, author and trainer. Having worn glasses for more than 25 years he writes from personal experience. It has now been more than 19 years since he threw away his glasses. In this follow up to Improve Your Eyesight Naturally, Leo concentrates on curing presbyopia, the inability to focus on near objects. He explains what presbyopia is and how you can tone your eye muscles, release tension and build up energy in order to regain your natural eyesight. Vision Training is based on the presupposition that clear vision is a natural state and you can achieve natural clear vision via simple exercises. If your device does not recognise the videos in this title, they are available for separate download.
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If you have ever carried a lucky talisman in your pocket to give yourself courage before a big event then carry this book instead. Based on Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), the ground-breaking solutions to performance anxiety in this book will carry you through the most daunting experience of public speaking.The exercises are simple and highly effective. Even if you have suffered intolerably from performance nerves in the past this book will enable you to perform with passion and determination and wow your audience. How many times have you picked up a self-help book and thought "It's all very well but it won't work for me." This time the book meets you where you are and helps you to succeed by approaching the problem on many different levels.Judy inspires and encourages you with her descriptions and anecdotes. There are exercises that you can easily do at home and which are interesting and fun to do. The exercises are diverse so that issues are tackled in a variety of different ways. You can do the exercises either alone or with other people. The book is brief and easy to read, the techniques highly practical and the methods simple yet profound.
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This inspiring book by leading voice coach Judy Apps shows you how to awaken the energy of your authentic voice to speak from head, heart, gut and soul. Bringing together knowledge from voice training, NLP, Aikido, Alexander Technique, Bioenergetics, Feldenkrais and other mind-body work, Voice of Inf uence gives you the means to reach people at a deeper level where you'll motivate and inspire. Through this journey of discovery, you will literally 'find your own voice' in all senses of the phrase. Judy will show you how to: speak more powerfully and influentially; communicate from the whole of you, and reach people at a deeper level; find your true voice rather than just speaking with expression; understand other people better through the sound of their voice. Your voice is uniquely you and reveals more about you than you might imagine. Your whole history is imprinted in your voice. We have all heard of 'body language' this book reveals the 'body language' of sound - 'voice language'. It uncovers many startling new aspects of the human voice and how we communicate - and fail to communicate! Every sound you make gives information about what is going on inside you, and you can use this information both to become a more skilful listener and to communicate with greater impact.
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Coaching Supervision at its B.E.S.T. contains clear strategies and real life case studies and can be used in all settings where there is a need for effective and efficient coaching supervision. The specific clean questioning technique allows the supervisor to remove assumptions and have an insightful and eagle eyed view of the whole supervision spectrum. The book follows closely the requirements for the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Level 7 Masters level qualification in Coaching Supervision.
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What kind of teacher are you? What values, beliefs and principles do successful teachers have and how do they sustain these in the face of challenging pupil behaviour? In this timely book, Stephen Baker contends that rigid punishment systems weaponize young people's defiance against them and that punishment doesn't work. He believes that teachers need to take responsibility for behaviour and to lead it, not just 'manage' it, that we need to love the kids (even if we don't like them), that children are people, thatweare an event intheirlives, and that teaching is a relationship-based activity. With each chapter followed by engaging 'takeaway tasks',That Behaviour Bookwill allow teachers to rapidly improve both their practice and their relationships with pupils and classes. The book looks at the values that will sustain you as a teacher, how routines will help you teach better and what 'positive expectations' really mean, making child-centred relational practice easy to apply in the classroom. Teachers will have a more realistic appreciation of their own situation and of the context in which they teach. In short, this book will help teachers learn how to get the very best out of their pupils. That Behaviour Bookis an essential guide for both the beginner and the more experienced teacher. Its unique tone makes it an indispensable companion for the busy teacher, providing a sense of connection, challenge and reassurance all at once. Stephen Baker's anecdotes, drawn from his years as a pupil, teacher and trainer pack an emotional punch and are often hilarious. Suitable for all teachers.
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Foreword by Ian Gilbert. At a time of unprecedented challenges in relation not only to the climate crisis but also to children's and adolescents' mental health, connecting to nature offers an accessible and desirable way forward for today's learners - especially those living in urban surroundings. Bringing together evidence from psychology, environmental science and education, Alexia aims to support teachers as they provide meaningful experiences rooted in learning about and through nature. The book can be used in two ways: to inspire individual sessions in nature, or to support teachers in building a cohesive outdoor-learning curriculum throughout the school. Featuring practical advice, case studies and discussion of original theory, the book aims to inspire, motivate and stimulate educators to engage with alternative approaches to teaching in the outdoors and with nature in mind - and in such a way that promotes students' learning and fosters a long-lasting relationship with nature. Independent Thinking on Nature-Based Learningshares case studies and examples of good practice from a variety of settings - ranging from kindergarten to secondary. Detailing the physical and psychological benefits of being outdoors, the book suggests ways to help build young people's connection with nature and support their autonomy in naturalspaces. Alexia offersideas on how to weave nature and the outdoors into the very fabric of the curriculum - for example, in relation to art, literature and technology. Suitable for teachers and outdoor-learning leaders in early years through to secondary schools. Independent Thinking on Nature-Based Learningis one of a number of books in the Independent Thinking On seriesfrom the award-winning Independent Thinking Press.
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A practical guide for those living with or dealing with life-challenging diseases. Coping features a wide range of techniques and exercises that have proved to have a healing influence. " An excellent source of information and wisdom" Bernie Siegel MD, author of Love, Medicine & Miracles and Prescriptions for Living
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This outstanding manual on Ericksonian hypnotherapy has been thoroughly revised and updated. There are two new chapters - one on Metaphor Therapy and Guided Metaphor and the other on Ernest Rossi`s work on the psychobiology of gene expression. The latter chapter also contains a section on the brain and hypnosis. Thomas South has extended his chapter on utilization with another section on pain control and the chapter on ethics and the law has also been signigicantly updated. Finally there is a new foreword by Roxanna Erickson Klein and Betty Alice Erickson. `This work is the stately tree, supporting individuality, cooperation and diversity. It is filled with common sense and uncommon sense, with atmosphere and sunhsine, with metaphors for more individual growth, with practice exercises for the present and with thoughts for the future. It gives us all lessons in becoming better therapists, better people,.a and better members of our world.` Roxanna Erickson Klein and Betty Alice Erickson - from the new foreword.
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It is the author's contention that creating an environment where the client expects change is the foundation of doing effective very brief therapy. His own private practice is one where he rarely sees clients more than one or two times. Clients know in advance that this is the way that he works, and so their expectation is that during this session they are going to get down to the hard stuff. This means working as if each session were the last one. So, this book is about all of the things that are designed to work in a single-session mode.
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This unique, practical and accessible healing manual explores the most powerful methods of healing, primarily focusing on guided imagery, a healing technique integrating the connection between mind and body. "Well-researched and authoritative." Belleruth Naparstek, LISW, The Guided Imagery Resource Center
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Meaningis a biography in play form. Using many of his own words, the play focuses on key moments in Frankl's life: it explores his experiences in a Nazi concentration camp, his development of Logotherapy and his insights into the human condition. His book "Man's Search for Meaning" has influenced millions of people worldwide.
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This is the comprehensive guide for all those wishing to explore the fascinating potential of metaphor. Containing sample scripts and suggestions for basic and advanced metaphors and a history of the use of metaphor. " Rubin's freshness and honesty is unparalleled, his grasp of the subject is uncanny."
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Rules for Mavericks: A Manifesto for Dissident Creatives by Phil Beadle is a guidebook to leading a creative life, to being a renaissance dilettante, to infesting your art form with other art forms, to taking a stand against mediocrity, to rejecting bloodless orthodoxies, to embracing your own pretension and, most of all, to dealing with your failure(s). 'If you make any stand against power, then power will stand against and on you. And it will do so with centuries of experience and techniques in how to do so effectively: you will be painted as barbaric, dismissed as stupid and insane, be told to know your place. Most of all, you will be termed maverick.' This genre-flouting manifesto is written by someone who has achieved and has failed in more than one field. As a Guardian columnist, award-winning teacher, award-winning broadcaster, author, editor, singer, songwriter, producer and public speaker, Phil Beadle knows a bit about leading a life producing good work across a variety of platforms. In this elegantly written book he glides and riffs around the idea of maverick nature, examines the processes of producing good work in creative fields and broaches the techniques that orthodoxies use to silence dissident voices. It is a 'how to dream' book, a 'how to create' book, a 'how to work' book and a 'how to fail productively' book; it is an examination of the many accusations that any dissident creative will face over a long career stirring things up, a guide to dealing with these with grace and a study in how to make creativity work for you. Rules for Mavericks is for anyone who wants to live and work more creatively and successfully. Contents include: Introduction: 'maverick nature', 1 Rules, 2 Starting off, 3 Failure, 4 Creativity and the process of production, 5 Work, 6 The realm(s) of appearance, 7 Performance, 8 Change, 9 Renaissance dilettantism, 10 Writing (and reading too), 11 On being reviewed.
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Eye Movement Integration Therapy is the first book on the subject, introducing one of the most innovative and effective new treatments available to psychotherapists today. "a splendid, coherent analysis" Marlene E. Hunter MD FCFP(C)
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Many teachers admit to feeling that they spend the majority of lesson time doing anything and everything but teaching. Impact Techniques in the Classroom offers a variety of quick and simple activities to be conducted as a group or on a one-on-one basis (and a few with the help of the parents) that will allow you to devote more time to teaching, all the while saving your energy and keeping the attention of your students. All ages
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GROW / Jackie Beere. - [miejsce nieznane] : Crown House Publishing : Legimi, 2016.
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In GROW, Jackie Beere demonstrates how we can all change our mindsets, learn to learn and chose to think on purpose. Our thoughts and beliefs lead us to develop habits that can predict our success or failure. We can all choose to grow and coach our loved ones to do the same by fostering and sustaining a mindset that will keep us healthy and happy in future years. Jackie Beere believes the key to this is thinking on purpose and metacognition. Jackie shows you how you can understand yourself and others so that you can be flexible, fearless and happy.
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Every child, every family situation is different and parenting is a journey of constant change. There are no "right answers", only what works for you and your family. This book will give you a toolkit of practical NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) methods flexible enough to cover all situations. It focuses equally on the needs of you, the parent, as well as your child and will help you: get your family life running more smoothly; understand your children; support and encourage them and their development more effectively; recognise and meet your own needs so you can be more resourceful in family life; feel more confident and positive so you can have fun and enjoy being a parent more of the time! Rather than giving prescriptive advice, Happy Kids Happy You will enable you to develop your own solutions to situations. You will learn to speak and behave more positively with your children and experience outstanding results!
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In most of our school experience there was an amazing teacher - the teacher who changes our outlook on life, helped us succeed and whose lessons we will never forget. What made them that outstanding teacher and what are the tips and techniques and tactics that make some teachers really first class? How do I improve my skills? How can I get behaviour right? How can I motivate pupils who don't seem to want to learn? Carefully blending practical advice, real life scenarios and expert opinion this book will make any teaching career more rewarding.
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